Zalagar pioneer
Joined: Mar 05, 2002 Posts: 288 | Posted: 09-10-2018 18:01  
FOD of course is the abbreviation for 'Finger of Death', the most feared and most deadly spell in all of MUD2, bar none. When cast successfully, it's instant death to the target.
For example:
You hear the thunderous roar of a finger of death spell!
findvacuumcleaner the spammer violently disintegrates.
But how do people pronounce it? I pronounce it 'eff oh dee', but I'm told that many others don't pronounce it that way. In fact, there's a joke that MUDmeets are the place where you learn you're the only one who pronounces it 'eff oh dee'.
Anyway, mortal FODs are rarely successful, and when they backfire, there can be serious consequences. As for wiz FODs, you usually shouldn't fear them unless you're being disruptive, profane, or doing all sorts of dishonorable stuff.