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MUDII Forum Index » » General Chat » » Mobile Bash thread 4: Autumn 2024 mobile bashes
Author Mobile Bash thread 4: Autumn 2024 mobile bashes

Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 287
Posted: 08-10-2024 14:39   
This is a thread for the mobile bash writeups detailing the mobile bashes occurring in MUD2 during the autumn of 2024.

The mobile bashes described here include the following.

1. September 26th, 2024 (mini-bash)

2. October 3rd, 2024.

3. To be determined (TBD)

4. TBD

5. TBD

6. TBD

7. You get the idea. These will be filled in later.

[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 08-10-2024 14:43 ]

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 287
Posted: 08-10-2024 14:43   
Mini-Bash, September 26, 2024

I'm doing this writeup over a week removed from this, so it's nowhere near as fresh in my mind as the bash from the week after (October 3rd, 2024), but the notes I have are pretty thourough.

Anyway, this was more of a mini-bash than a regular bash. Karjala, the newcomer Winnie introducted the previous week, felt bad for leaving before the bash was completed. So we decided to do a smaller bash this time around, with a few mobiles taken out via vote in order to speed things up. It was a special one-hour bash, one that Karjala would be able to stick around for the duration for.

Section 1: Getting some trouble out of the way early

In any case, Dara started out by finishing the fox, catching the mouse, and having a fight with the thief. Winnie took down the dragonfly and the parrot, and was soon made bash general.

Heiach FODed the rats, after a vote, thus saving a bit of time.

Winnie got ambushed by the ram whilst armed with nothing but a stick and she vanquished the ram!
And then proceeded to whack a raven over the head with that stick. Unfortunately, that stick broke. But there was another one conveniently left on the ground.

Dara, meanwhile, fought with skeleton2, but had to flee. The pagoda opened, but the mobiles there seemed to already be dead.

Winnie helped Karjala get her bearings and showed her some neat tricks. Meanwhile, Dara, after seeing the pagoda area was empty, took down the pony. Soon, the pillar was announced, and everyone made it to the pillar power-up meeting. This included Karjala, who was guided there by Winnie.

Section 2: Fighting undead with croquet mallets

Dara would move on from there to dispose of zombie2, and there was a vote for what Crazyfool should FOD. Winnie, meanwhile, fought zombie4 with a croquet mallet. As for the result of the vote, well, let me quote it here...

*vote sealife
Very well, your vote for "SEALIFE" has been recorded.
*You hit the zombie2 (5-9).
The zombie2 looks critically damaged.
The zombie2 misses you.
*You hit the zombie2 (20-29).
You have killed the zombie2.
(Persona saved on +38 = 19,068).
The zombie2 has expired.
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "sealife isn't a verb mud understands".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "what is with these votes...".
*For your information: the period of voting has ended. The result was
*A female voice in the distance shouts "lol".

Dara went on to bring down the snowbird, and Karjala killed a zombie, much to her surprise.

*Crazyfool the stand-up wizard shouts "well done".
*Karjala the warrior exclaims "I did it! I was useful!".

Winnie, meanwhile, would go on to fight skeleton2 with the croquet mallet, and around that time, the following happened:

*For your information: Paine is being asked what to fod next.
*A female voice in the distance shouts "What is a fod I'm confused".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "finger of death".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "insta-kill".
*In the distance, you hear the terrible RHOAAAUUUAURRRRGGGGGGHGHHHGHHHH of a
dragon dying.
*Winnie the bash-general sorceress cheers.
*wh w
A female voice in the distance shouts "I killed a hamburger NOOOOO".
*wh winnie
1 in the place known as "northeast tomb".
*A female voice in the distance cheers.
Winnie the bash-general sorceress shouts "sk2 down".
Heiach the chimerical wizard
Winnie the bash-general sorceress
Karjala the warrior
Lowfields the dragon-slaying necromancer
Dara the sorceress
Paine the matriarch
Drizzle the wobbly mage

Section 3: Dwarf citadel, goblins, and fireflies

After a while, Heiach announced Paine had voted to FOD DWARF. Not all the dwarfs fell victim, so there were still some left to be fought later.

The canary soon expired after being exposed to gas in the mine. There were still plenty of dwarfs in the dwarf citadel. Dara would fight with the stocky dwarf guards, and dwarf46 and cherry dwarf47, all of whom were still on active duty despite the loss of the dwarf monarchs.

As for Winnie and Karjala, this excerpt from Winnie's log explains what they were doing:

Karjala helped winnie to open the portcullis, and she claimed the longsword!
Winnie led Karjala into the goblin realm, and used her ls to open the door into the goblin guard room, helping her to take out the foes, and teaching her how to open doors
75 left, 74 mins, sharks dead
Karjala and Winnie made their way through the goblin realm, slaying anything that came in their way.

Lowfields, meanwhile, roamed the eastern part of The Land, finding some of the mobiles others had missed there.

As Dara fought with more denizens of the dwarf citadel, Heiach asked which mobiles should meet an unfortunate fate now? Dara took a second in between fights to shout "Sharks!" before resuming the fight against female dwarf30.

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "sharks are dead".
1 in the place known as "sea".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "sharks are dead".
*sh Good. That means we won't jump the shark.
You shout "Good. That means we won't jump the shark. ".
Heiach the chimerical wizard
Winnie the bash-general sorceress
Karjala the warrior
Lowfields the dragon-slaying necromancess
Dara the sorceress
Drizzle the wobbly mage
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "eeeyyyyy".

Dara had to rest after killing eagle, but then something strange happened.

*Your box0 feels a tiny bit heavier, and buzzier.
You have just been woken up!
Your stamina is 113.
Dara the sorceress says "iansuigs".
Because you can't see anyone else here, it may be that you are speaking to
A pleasant warmness courses through your veins...
You feel better already.
Your stamina is 119.
You are carrying the following:
2 keys, the cardboard box0 and the well-maintained pick2.
The cardboard box0 contains:
the firefly0.
Weight carried: 7kg 221g/100kg.
Objects carried: 4/12.
You are keeping any objects in your possession of the following type:

The firefly4 flies away.

The firefly2 flies away.

The firefly1 flies away.

The firefly3 flies away.
Flying by is a firefly (firefly2).

Flying by is a firefly (firefly0).
Flying by is a firefly (firefly3).
Your magical weakness has worn off.
Your magical dexterity has worn off.
*get ff from

Well, Dara would then dispose of those fireflies who'd mysteriously shown up. By this point, Winnie and Karjala had concluded their business in the goblin passages, and were headed toward the mine. Heiach announced that the remaining skeletons had been FODed, as well as at least one guardian of the keep.

Dara fought with the burly dwarf guards, and Lowfields arrived. Meanwhile, Winnie and Karjala fought the surly dwarf guards. Karjala had to flee mid-way through, allowing the final surly (11) to claim the ls for himself. However, at only 28 stam left, Winnie was able to survive the onslaught, and claim the shortsword for herself, whilst Karjala reclaimed her longsword.

Section 4: The Remaining Mobiles

With the dwarf citadel cleared, everyone headed back to the surface. Dara fought the ogre, and the hunchback showed up during the fight and attacked the ogre. Dara would then fight with the hunchback, but ended up having to withdraw. While Dara was resting from that, Heiach made the following announcement.

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "maybe I should FOD all birds?".
You have just been woken up!
Your stamina is 37.
*Winnie the bash-general sorceress shouts "hb down!".
*Winnie the bash-general sorceress shouts "sure!".
*For your information: there are 15 mobiles still alive.
*sh Why do birds suddenly disappear any time that you're near?
You shout "Why do birds suddenly disappear any time that you're near? ".
*In the distance, you hear a loud "MOO".

With that silly reference joke out of the way, Heiach reminded us that this was a mini-bash, shorter in length than the usual bash, with the following announcement.

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "let me even the odds a little more, you
only have 5 mins left".

Heiach then asked everyone to pick four mobiles to be automatically disposed of. The spider, the golem, and the man were chosen.

Dara and Lowfields would fight the girffin in the keep, and later both of them would fight the boar.

Soon there were only two mobiles left, the piglet and the stag. Lowfields and Dara would seek the piglet while Winnie and Karjala hunted the stag.

With only 40 seconds to spare, Winnie and Karjala brought down the stag.

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "well done everyone! It was close".
*A male voice in the distance yodels "ROTATE NOW!!!".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "I helped!! (a bit) ((I didnt at all))".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "I did say the bash would end around 9pm
or there abouts, thus the reset heh".
*Winnie the bash-general sorceress shouts "okay now run ZWampward and swamp
*A male voice in the distance cheers.

Soon after, the reset happened and everyone returned to the tearoom for the post-bash chat. Heiach would say "I wanted it to be close and not a walk in the park", and added that "but asking you to do spider and golem at the end would be rough".

Dara the sorceress says "Well, I did a lot of the roaming dwarfs that were
left after the FOD.".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard says "good job on taking out the wyvern in
combat btw".
*Winnie the sorceress nods.

All in all, this was a successful mini-bash. Though shorter than a normal mobile bash, there was still time for the usual jokes and so on as we went about our business.

The next bash, however, was a regular bash, with a lot of fun stuff there. And that's a story to tell in the next bash report following this one.

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 287
Posted: 08-10-2024 14:48   
Well, the mobile bash for October 3rd was not a mini-bash but a regular bash. And there was a LOT to report on there. So I'm splitting it into two posts for easier reading.

Mobile Bash report for October 3rd, 2024

After some pre-bash discussion where we contemplated a possible Halloween bash, the mobile bash started with the following list of players.

Crazyfool the stand-up wizard
Heiach the chimerical wizard
Lowfields the necromancer
Winnie the sorceress
Paine the matriarch
Karjala the heroine
Dara the sorceress
Zedar the bash-general warlock
Zanthia the guest

Dara found herself in the south portion of The Land near the swamp, the pine forest and the south mountain, and went after the fireflies. Lowfields, meanwhile, decided that it would be a folly to not get the bees out of the way as early on as possible, and proceeded to go about doing it.

Meanwhile, Winnie killed the scorpion first, but was stung in the process and had to re-enter. Winnie was then ambushed by the vampire and fled on 11 stamina. As a result, the vampire was worth 405 points.

Zedar, meanwhile, DIAGnosed the vampire, and noted that the vampire had 88 stamina remaining. He decided not to try finishing it off, and went to collect more gear. He was also appointed bash-general by this point.

Dara, meanwhile, took down the fox before then taking on the coot. Shortly thereafter, it was announced to the rest of The Land that the vampire was worth 405 points if killed. Dara would then go on to take down the piglet.

A shout from Heiach let everyone know the apes were around. Zedar, meanwhile, was recovering stamina from a fight with the thief at the swamp at the same time of the announcement about the vampire.

Winnie was bit by the viper, and killed it, though she had to re-enter The Land. More weapons were placed in the hut for those who needed them.

Lowfields, meanwhile, sought out the broadsword which is located on an island out at sea, but made an error. He ended up picking up the rice flail instead as well as a nearby 30-series wafer.

Lowfields disposed of the bas, and it was a close fight. Zedar was told to keep talking to Lowfields so he didn't fall asleep (due to using a 30-series wafer that has that side effect), and so he did. The pillar was brought out afterward, and just about everyone made it to that power-up.

Section 2: Water-Snakes, Rats, and Stegosaurus

Since Winnie was not at 100 percent and had other things distracting her, Dara decided to be the one to take on water-snakes this set. Zedar, meanwhile, went to rid the cellar of its rat infestation. Lowfields went after ape9 and the monk.

After Dara took down water-snake0 (her fourth water-snake), Heiach made an announcement.

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar is on 18 kills, Dara is on 12,
Lowfields is on 2 and Winnie is on 1".

After a moment, Heiach would add...

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "not that it's a competition because
whoever kills all the rats has a big advantage".
Dara the sorceress shouts "Looks like Zedar has rats.".
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "if we're going for unique mob kills, Dara
is winning".
Dara the sorceress shouts "Lowfields taking on pagoda dining hall mobiles.".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "maybe we'll do it like that?".

But what of our resident newcomer, Karjala? Well, she found herself fighting a dinosaur at the misty part of middle mountain. A transcript of the shouts follows.

*A female voice in the distance shouts "IM FIGHTING A DINOSAUR".
You have just been woken up!
Your stamina is 78.
*wh winnie
1 in the place known as "landing in tower".
*wh karjala
1 in the place known as "misty part of middle mountain".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "is that wise?".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "im not dead so probably".
*Crazyfool the stand-up wizard shouts "as long as its not the Stegosaurus".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "it is the stegosaurus".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "am I cooked".
*Crazyfool the stand-up wizard shouts "we need that to finish the bash!".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "okkkk ill leave it alonee".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "wait shit I left my sabre there...".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "CF was joking, bad CF".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "OH COME ONE".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "I'm taking it down".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "how many points did you lose fleeing
*A female voice in the distance shouts "275....".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "ok restored".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "aww man it was gonna be my big killl i
hate u cfff".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "sabre on badly-paved road".
*Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "the sceptre is in the hut, its not
bad, a bit fragile but packs a punch".

Winnie would end up rushing from the landing in the tower (where she encountered the snugglepuss) and eventually helped Karjala finish off the stegosaurus.

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "turns out Karjala in fact killed the

Dara would go on to fight the remaining water-snakes, as Heiach announced...

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has kill 3 types of mob, Dara 6,
Karjala 1, Lowfields 3 and Winnie 5".

Zedar was confused, and not sure if he'd finished off all the rats. This transcript will help illustrate that confusion.

*Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "I killed 22 rats. Are there more? My
brain isnt working".
*Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "I'll check later.".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "for you Zedar, sure".
*k ws with wp
You attack the water-snake2, using the dagger0 as a weapon.
*You hit the water-snake2 (10-14).
You have killed the water-snake2.
(Persona saved on +85 = 25,359).
The water-snake2 has just passed on.
*wh rat22
Your spell doesn't find any.
*wh rat23
Your spell doesn't find any.
*Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "ok".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "no your "forgot" the large rat..".
*Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "chuckle".
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "you did in fact slay them all fyi".
Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "I shall re-slay the very large rat".

You shout "There are usually a total of as many rats as there are hours in the
day, though two of them aren't often seen.".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "he wasn't dead enough".

So Zedar fought the large rat0 a second time, and used the sleep spell on it in the process. Soon afterward, a goose was sighted in The Land. The goose is one of those rarely-seen mobiles that sometimes appears in The Land.

Zedar, meanwhile, had fed the dragon, and noted that Lowfields had managed to at least get the broadsword away from its usual starting location. Karjala soon encounted ape11 on the badly paved road, around the same time nearly everyone in The Land heard terrible RHOAAAUUUAURRRRGGGGGGHGHHHGHHHH of a dragon dying.

Zedar couldn't help Karjala. He was busy at sea seeking sealife. Dara had one more water-snake to finish off. So Winnie rushed to Karjala's assistance with ape11. Winnie and Karjala finished off ape11, Dara finished the last of the water-snakes, and Zedar took out shark1 at sea.

Section 3: Pagoda, keep, and shillings stolen

Zedar offered to help BLIND mobiles for those who needed it. Meanwhile, Heaich made another announcement.

Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has 5 unique kills, Dara has 6,
Karjala has 2, Lowfields has 4 and Winnie has 7. Go Winnie!".

Dara ventured to the snowy mountainside area and took out the pony and the snowbird. Around this time, Winnie encountered a problem with skeleton2 in the southwest tomb. Winnie came close to dying, and had to flee but Zedar arrived and finished the skeleton off.

*(Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock) shouts "sk2 dead come
reclaim your scimitar".
Karjala the heroine shouts "where can I find the magpie I want to
kill it for stealing my shilling".
Winnie the sorceress shouts "thanks".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "you were going to buy grandma some soup
with that shilling!".

With the weather sunny again, Zedar resumed his sea activities to take care of the other shark, shark0. Both sharks cost Zedar one wafer a piece, unfortunately. Meanwhile, Dara brought down ape0, causing much chaos for the rest of the apes, and then went on to fight ape4 and ape6. Around this time, Heiach made another announcement.

Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has slain 7 unique mobiles, Dara
10, Karjala 3, Lowfields 8 and Winnie 7!".

Soon, we reached the point where 100 mobiles were left, and soon it was down to 96 mobiles with 67 minutes left.

Zedar headed off to the keep while Dara finished ape8.

Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock shouts "I will do the Keep.
I'll leave any treasure under the hut for our fallen".

During his time at the keep, Zedar would encounter the knight, an addition to the keep that Heiach added. After the knight fell, Zedar claimed the knight's shield.

Dara, meanwhile, would fight the giant snake, and be assisted by an invisible Lowfields toward the end of the fight. Lowfields would then go to the courtyard in search of the tiger.

Karjala, meanwhile, was asking where the bird bath was.

Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "pine forest".
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "also you wanna kill the magpie as its
taking a bath??".

This conversation continued as Dara was attempting to rest up. However, resting up was difficult for Dara already because she took a wrong turn in the pagoda and found herself drunk on incense fumes, with the following results.

*wh lowfields
1 in the place known as "north part of courtyard".
A female voice in the distance shouts "it stole my shilling, ethics are
*wh tiger
1 in the place known as "north part of courtyard".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "haha".
You have just been woken up from your drunken stupor...
Your stamina is 60.
*You see a large, pink elephant, smiling at you.
*You suddenly have an urge to help Drizzle the wobbly mage...
*You suddenly cry.

Dara needed to sleep it off, so she didn't participate in clearing out what was left in the pagoda. Meanwhile, Lowfields not only managed to dispose of the tiger, but the upper floor pagoda mobiles as well.

(Will Dara recover? Will Karjala track down the magpie who stole her shilling? Find out in the next post!)

[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 08-10-2024 14:49 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 09-10-2024 13:38 ]

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 287
Posted: 08-10-2024 14:53   
Mobile Bash report for October 3rd, Part 2

When we last left off, Karjala was seeking out the thieving bird who stole her shilling, Dara was sleeping it off after taking a wrong turn in the pagoda and getting drunk from fumes, and Lowfields had just disposed of the tiger in the pagoda. We now resume the report.

Section 4: Mines, spider, ghoul, and dwarf citadel

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has killed 11 unique mobiles, Dara
11, Karjala 2, Winnie 8 and Lowfields 14! Go Lowfields".

Winnie, at around this point, returned from a break other circumstances made her take.

*A female voice in the distance shouts "hi again!".
You have just been woken up!
Your stamina is 62.
*sh I don't know who again is but I'll tell again you said hi.
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock shouts "the valetant is
available in the hut, very good weapon".
*sh I don't know who again is but I'll tell again you said hi.
You shout "I don't know who again is but I'll tell again you said hi.".

Karjala roamed the evil woods, but the vampire had already been disposed of by Lowfields earlier, as had the wraith. Zedar kept the knight's shield, not sure what it did, but it seemed to help him.

Dara, seeing that the pagoda area was cleared out, headed off to the mines. First, she shoved zombie6 into the path of a flood that also claimed the lives of dwarf18, the mean-looking dwarf48, and several others. Then she headed upward to the platform and shed and side passage area and took out zombie0 and zombie4 in fights, and also managed to get rid of skeleton1.

Karjala, meanwhile, killed the magpie, punishing it for its shilling stealing.

*A female voice in the distance shouts "that's what you get for stealing

Dara and Zedar spotted each other in the mines. Dara found the last remaining mobile in the dwarf pasture area, the eagle, and Zedar blinded the eagle on request from Dara. Dara finished off the eagle as Zedar observed. Zedar guessed correctly that the absence of other creatures in the mine and the dwarf pasture was Dara's doing, and continued on with his shield and sword (epee).

Lowfields, at around the same time this was happening, decided to go kill skeleton0 right after the mine flooding. Winnie, meanwhile, had encountered the spider in the ruin, and ended up dropping Valetant there. Lowfields killed the spider, left the broadsword for Winnie, and then headed to the dwarf citadel where Dara and Zedar were already at work.

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has 17 unique mobile kills, Dara
has 13, Winnie has 8, Karjala has 3 and Lowfields has 18!".

*For your information: there are 50 mobiles still alive.
(Persona saved on +300 = 26,965).
Dwarf steps.
You are using some narrow, closely-spaced stairs, which descend in a straight
line from a room to the west to a message-bearing front door to the east. At
the top of the steps are strange decorations, presumably put there to ward off
evil presences, such as yours... The front door is open.
50 alive, 246 dead.
Time-stamp: 21:03:10 on 3-OCT-2024.
This is reset 117477, using slot 0.
An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 46 minutes.

Zedar disposed of stocky dwarf guards, and Dara helped Zedar finish off dwarf38. The two of them went their separate ways in the dwarf citadel, with Dara moving on to fight the hefty dwarf guards.

Zedar, meanwhile, found out that Lowfields was also in the dwarf citadel, and so this became a joint effort. Winnie, meanwhile, was facing the ghoul in the rotting room.

Zedar fought with the burly dwarf guards, and as Winnie reported that the ghoul was down, Dara joined in the fight against the burly dwarf guards to help Zedar finish them off. They were joined by Lowfields soon afterward.

They found themselves in the King's Study, facing the dwarf king and queen, and soon took down the dwarf monarchy. Meanwhile, someone was not feeling well because they said they had eaten a flower.

Section 5: The last remaining mobiles

It wasn't long before we got the mobile count down to 13.

Dara the necromancess shouts "We need to make 13 mobiles unlucky within 37 minutes!".
13 alive, 283 dead.
Time-stamp: 21:12:10 on 3-OCT-2024.
This is reset 117477, using slot 0.
An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 37 minutes.

Soon, the mobile count went down to 11, then 10.

*For your information: there are 10 mobiles still alive.
Time-stamp: 21:12:51 on 3-OCT-2024.
This is reset 117477, using slot 0.
An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 36 minutes.
*Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general, shield warlock shouts "I'm moving to
WHERE duty. I'll start backwards from Z".
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general, shield warlock shouts "z7".
Dara the necromancess shouts "Between flooding and fighting, I took out most zombies plus sk1,
but there might be one or two zombies left.".

The mobile count went down further, as zombie7 was found.

Dara the necromancess shouts "Aside from golem, what's left?".
*wh z7
Your spell doesn't find any.
*Winnie the sorceress makes some magical gestures.
*Winnie the sorceress shouts "wolf".
In the distance, you hear a wolf baying AAAOOOOOOHHHH.
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general, shield warlock shouts ";)".
7 alive, 289 dead.

That was some pretty incredible timing, there. Anyway, with the wolf gone, we still had a few other overlooked mobiles, such as the mouse (which Lowfields soon got), and some others. Dara did her part to WH a few. An excerpt from her point of view:

Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "lowfields got it ".
*wh swan
1 in the place known as "man-made lake".
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "boo lowfields".
Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general, shield warlock shouts "stag".
*sh Swan still swimming!
You shout "Swan still swimming!".
Forest near mountains.
*wh stag
1 in the place known as "deerpark".
A female voice in the distance shouts "I'm so lost in The Land to this day
it's crazy I haven't found the inn after like 20 minutes".
*sh Stag still standing!
You shout "Stag still standing!".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "still staggering".
*For your information: there are 5 mobiles still alive.
*A female voice in the distance shouts "hunting the stag!".
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "boar still boring?"

Winnie hunted the stag while Dara bashed the boar.

You miss the boar.
The boar misses you.
A sailable coracle, large enough for one, has been left here.
OK, Dara the necromancess yawns.
*"What a boar.
Dara the necromancess says "What a boar.".
*You hit the boar (20-29).
The boar looks close to death.

Lowfields arrived just in time to see Dara finish off the boar. Soon, there were only two left.

*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "2 left!".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "and I've armed one of them!".

The other one turned out to be ape7, who now had a weapon. Meanwhile, Lowfields, Dara, Zedar did the meditation ritual to access the golem. Lowfields would be the one to go in.

Winnie announced that ape7 was down. And soon afterward, the golem went down as well.

Section 6: Successful bash, and epilogue

Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has killed 23 unique mobiles, Dara
20, Winnie 10, Karjala 3 and Lowfields 32".

Zedar then announced that there was "Treasure under the hut, help yourselves." Heiach announced that Lowfields was the 'winner' in the one who killed the most unique mobiles, with Karjala on the other side. Both of them would receive trophies when they returned to the tearoom.

Many of those in the tearoom left it again to help make the stored treasure even more valuable. Karjala would claim some of it, and reach the rank of championne. Our newcomer then had this question to ask.

*A female voice in the distance shouts "now I can touch the touchstone

Everyone else gave their answers, and then gave Karjala well-wishes and encouragement as MUD2's newest player took on her riskiest task yet: touching the touchstone to obstain magic.

You shout "If you feel brave and lucky enough.".
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "make sure to hold the foot".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "I have a thing that might be of use to
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "yeah".
*A female voice in the distance shouts "standing outside the cave of stars".
*Karjala the championne has just arrived.
Paine the matriarch has just arrived.
*Karjala the championne has just left.
Paine the matriarch has just left.
*A female voice close by shouts "Championne is the correct level to attempt
this, with more than 50% success I believe. Superhero drops it to much lower.".
*Clouds are gathering overhead.
*A female voice close by shouts "Best of luck!".
*gl Karjala
(Persona saved on -18 = 30,674).
You wish good luck to Karjala the championne.
*Zedar the warlock has just arrived.
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "it is SIGNIFICANTLY lower at SH, by like

But did she succeed?

*Heiach the chimerical wizard cheers.
*A male voice in the distance cheers.
*A female voice in the distance cheers.
*A female voice in the distance shouts "I DID IT!!!".
*Zedar the warlock makes some magical gestures, painting pretty patterns in
the air.
*Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "congratulations!".
*A female voice in the distance cheers.
*Zedar the warlock cheers.

She did! Karjala obtained her first sorceress. And so everyone returned to the tearoom to celebrate both the successful bash and Karjala's success with the touchstone.

*cg Karjala
(Persona saved on -16 = 30,658).
You congratulate Karjala the sorceress.
*Zedar the warlock has just passed on.
Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "now type spells and enjoy looking through
all that".
Heiach the chimerical wizard
Lowfields the warlock
Zedar the warlock
Winnie the sorceress
Cenedra the lovely mage
Dara the necromancess
Karjala the sorceress
Drizzle the wobbly mage
*A female voice in the distance shouts "congrats!".

There was also a long post-bash chat where everyone talked not only about this bash and recent events, but of other events from the past, too. Zedar had a number of stories to share. But as this report is long enough already, we'll just wrap things up here.

What's next? Well, if all goes well in October, there may be a Halloween-themed bash in the weeks to come. We'll have to wait and see what happens.

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