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MUDII Forum Index » » General Chat » » Its illegal.
Author Its illegal.

Joined: Sep 16, 2001
Posts: 804
From: Llanelli
Posted: 22-07-2003 17:56   
I have become aware that a lot of people are reluctant to attend the meet alone. If you want to come but want to meet up with someone first, e mail me and ill see whose close to each other. Maybe then you can all travel together? Im sorry that im not in Land much, just working long hours.


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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
Posts: 648
From: North West
Posted: 22-07-2003 20:20   

uh Hum. Sorry, carried away.

Yeah, join up and meet on the bus / train / at the train station, have your own mini meet before you come to big scary Nottingham!

My first mud meet a couple, ... a few .. years ago ( Paddington, one of Jinks' which was going to include Laser Quest! ) was way down in London and then off a bit.

I met up in Euston station with Topcat, Moo and Azzuri and went for a pint locally. Then we went to the meet and met the rest ( like 35 - 40 people ) all still waiting outside the meet for the Mudders to arrive.

While I didn't mind travelling on my own - the train had a bar, I had a magazine! - it was easier to meet a couple of people instead of a mad group.

So do it, but if coming alone, go look at the previous meet photos so you can recognise the players who may be there ... they aren't all that wierd ... well mostly, hmm well, mainly ... Anyway look Here http://www.mud.co.uk/richard/meets.htm as Richard takes photo's at each meet of everyone who will let him !! Hawumph has pics here http://www.hawumph.co.uk/scousemeet.htm but only of the 2002 august meet.



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Joined: Aug 27, 2001
Posts: 84
From: Firkins
Posted: 24-07-2003 13:56   
I remember the Blackpool meet, it was quite cool in that before we even got on the train, we met up with Seamus, then at the next stop (Glasgow) we picked up Coolio, then at the stop after that (Preston) we got Pippin then at the stop after that (Blackpool) we got Reverence! Then a day later, Astral arrived... THEN the mud meet happened, lol.

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