Armand explorer
Joined: Nov 20, 2006 Posts: 532 | Posted: 31-07-2007 19:49  
I'm organising an unofficial scavenger hunt on and everyone is invited to compete. I'm hoping for a reasonable turnout!
Later in the week I'll publish the rules and prizes.
If any wiz feels like helping me out with announcements or prizes, it would be much appreciated!
If the event is successful I may do it on a regular basis.
Meanwhile, everyone post their ideal day/time. So far Tuesday 9pm seems to work, so if everyone's happy with that I'll set a date in 2-3 weeks time.
EDIT: for those who saw my old post, I decided against doing it this coming Tuesday at 9pm because its not enough notice.
[ This Message was edited by: Armand on 31-07-2007 21:15 ]