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MUDII Forum Index » » General Chat » » Bash Report 12/01/2012+
Author Bash Report 12/01/2012+

Joined: Jul 14, 2007
Posts: 1217
From: Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Posted: 13-01-2012 14:53   

In many ways this was a strange Bash though the strangeness did not manifest itself until the end. I got into the Land a few minutes late. Jonnycage the Sorcerer had already been elected Bash-General. Me apart, also at Sorcerer, the only other player was Folly the Necromancer.

I started off in the Mine and the Dwarfen Realm, steadily slogging my way through the passages and rooms. I had plenty of help from the others though perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I was helping them. I was on a hiding for nothing when I stumbled into the King Dwarf and the Queen Dwarf. I fled at 35 but dropped to 22 as I touched the fire on the way out. So doing, I lost nearly all my points I had acquired this set. The last remaining dwarfs were all dealt with as I recovered my stamina and I was called to the Keep by the Bash-General. There I helped out with the Griffin and killed a couple of crows, the serious work being undertaken by the other two.

After sorting out the Keep we all went to the Evil Wood to face the Vampire and the Wraith. Whatever happened there happened without me. I saw neither of the two mobiles and they were both killed by the other two players. But I did manage to overcome the Banshee at the swamp. I hate fighting at the swamp because if you flee and drop your kit, it disappears, leaving you no chance to recover it.

No one it appeared had ventured under the well, so once more down I went. We must have been nearing the end of things by this stage. After the fourth Watersnake it came up that there were only five mobiles left alive. By my calculation this had to be the two remaining Watersnakes, the Pony, the Snowbird and the Golem. But Jonnycage assured me that the Pony and the Snowbird were dead. I had and still have no idea what other two remaining were. I was strange that someone had gone on to the North Mountain and left the Watrersnakes unharmed. It is usual to kill them first and then go on to the mountain, or as often as not, not bother with the mountain just yet. It sometimes gets left out till the end. But stranger things were to happen.

Just after I killed the sixth Watersnake, the message came up that it was all over, the evil in the land had lifted and we were all 3K better off. This came as a surprise to everyone except me. It came as a surprise to everyone except me because I had managed to block myself in down the well when I changed my site to the Underground Island and I was busy doing some serious criminal damage to the wine rack and spamming so fast that I totally missed the message. I was actually on my way to the Shrine, by command of the Bash-General to do my bit regarding the Golem. So the big mystery is: how was the last mobile (the Golem) killed when we had not gone through the business of getting a player into the Sancta? After a short while, after doing the business as instructed, I picked up my icon and swamped it. ?SV? showed that there was still one mobile outstanding and I went through my list. As far as I was concerned this still had to be accounted for in order to win the Bash. But I had no idea what it could be. I went systematically through my printed list with no avail. I was busy in conversation with Cenedra about this. She, rightly thought the Bash was over while I believed it was still going on. Suddenly I was attacked by another player. This had to be Jonnycage. Although he was invisible, I had seen him earlier in the game with the coracle and his dropping it as he went for me, gave things away a bit.

I have made two resolutions regarding this game: the first is to start getting any flee command in when my stam is 30 and not wait until it?s down to 20 and the second to make better use of the ?SF? command. This served me well when I escaped from the King and Queen Dwarf and it served me well now. As my stam dropped in one blow from 42 to 24, I superfled. It cost me 1,736 points all together but I was still alive and had still gained almost 4K on the set.

[ This Message was edited by: royston on 13-01-2012 14:58 ]

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Joined: Aug 08, 2002
Posts: 324
Posted: 13-01-2012 19:08   
No mystery about the still alive watersnakes and the dead north mountain mobs. I just don't like the watersnakes.

Last few mobs were snowbird, man, waternake, watersnake, golem.

I think the golem killed himself to get the 3k bonus.

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Joined: Jul 14, 2007
Posts: 1217
From: Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Posted: 13-01-2012 23:34   
That's one mystery cleared up. I can understand it; I don't like doing the spider. But don't tell me the Golem committed suicide!

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