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MUDII Forum Index » » General Chat » » Bash Report 11/11/2010
Author Bash Report 11/11/2010

Joined: Jul 14, 2007
Posts: 1217
From: Felixstowe, Suffolk.
Posted: 12-11-2010 14:42   

I was a bit disappointed in last night?s Bash. It seemed to lack the sparkle somehow of last week?s. It started off just the same with only three players: Blackwater the Warlock, Huthut I think at Hero and me also on Hero but on the cusp of Superhero.

The election for General ended in a predictable three way split. Heiach the Wizard, who thus had a casting vote, sensibly chose Blackwater, the only Magic User among us.

I started off as usual, with the Watersnakes. I was on my second when I got teleported to the Classical Ruin and lost a few points as it was a technical flee. These and just a few more were restored to me and I was up to Superhero, giving me much needed extra stamina. After the Watersnakes, I went up to the North Mountain and dealt with the Pony and the Snowbird. There was neither a Lynx nor a Snowleopard about. Not even a Yeti. You?d have thought that would have been the place to find a Yeti. But although it is shown on my hard copy list of mobiles, MUD does not seem to know the word. Foddy once said there was one more mobile to be found on the North Mountain. The only other one I have ever seen there in the Mammoth encased in ice, and he is best left alone.

Back down I went next to the Goblins? Cave but found it empty. Of course I went in via the Waterfall and on my way out found the portcullis up. I should have looked first. Someone suggested we should do the Golem next ?while there were still three of us?. That all went according to plan with Blackwater going ?in?. But it sounded as though one player might be pulling out before the end. As it was, no one pulled out early.

At a bit of a loose end, I thought I would wander up and look at the dwarfs. In no time at all, three of them were on to me and I had to flee. One of them blocked me, forcing me to quit hurriedly. Back in the game, I realised that one of the Dwarfs had my longsword. But notwithstanding, I found him and overcame him using one of the Goblins? knives, and so recovered it.

I went instead to the Keep. I tried to do the business to kill the Wyvern without combat, but it too blocked me and then went for me. I tried to hang on so as to superflee at the last moment when, much to my utter surprise I killed it. Huthut appeared at the Keep and together we went through the various floors dealing with the Griffin, the Maiden and one crow all in turn. Despite Sabretooth?s chivvying, I have yet to work out how to ascend the Keep solo. I utterly depended on Huthut to get up the staircase.

I managed two skeletons before taking a look at the Spider. Well I intended only to look but going east from the Dense Forest towards to Ruin and not realising which Dense forest I started from, I went one room too far and blundered into the Ruin. This would have been quite safe normally but someone had been there before me and had woken up the Spider. Worse I was trapped in her web without touching anything. At the time I felt this was grossly unfair. But I now realise I did have the option of looking East before each successive move. I had two silly deaths from the Spider before being killed dead-dead. The moral here is to watch and regain your stamina after every silly death.

I came back into the game and ?sprung? myself to Warrior and killed the mouse just to stay in. However the set finished soon afterwards with, I think, eleven mobiles left alive.

[ This Message was edited by: royston on 12-11-2010 14:45 ]

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Joined: Jan 01, 2007
Posts: 533
From: N.London (just)
Posted: 12-11-2010 19:21   
Technical fleeing is for wimps.

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Joined: Dec 08, 2001
Posts: 88
Posted: 17-11-2010 11:57   

But it sounded as though one player might be pulling out before the end. As it was, no one pulled out early.
[ This Message was edited by: royston on 12-11-2010 14:45 ]

Who's pregnant?

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 17-11-2010 19:18   
Just an immaculate conception...

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