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   Username  From Joined Posts Email URL ICQ AIM YIM MSN
 4101   Silly  UK May 18, 2003 28            
 4102   rydall  Uncharted territory Jul 04, 2012 6            
 4103   promdresses  United State (USA) Sep 12, 2018 0   Visit promdresses's Web Site        
 4104   christianpet  United states Nov 07, 2014 0 Email christianpet          
 4105   Lightaura  United States.. Charleston, S.C. Nov 04, 2002 6   Visit Lightaura's Web Site   AIM lightaura00    
 4106   productitems  USA Aug 31, 2018 0 Email productitems          
 4107   Jakeface  West Sussex May 31, 2002 0 Email Jakeface          
 4108   ewarwoowar  West Sussex Jul 21, 2008 40            
 4109   Djgod  wherever you find him :) Aug 31, 2001 8   Visit Djgod's Web Site Add Djgod     MSNM
 4110   Syl  Wolverhampton Sep 02, 2001 13            
 4111   Jesstar  wolverhampton/Nottingham Sep 02, 2001 6 Email Jesstar         MSNM
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