To register, you'll need to provide some basic information. This information will not be visible to any other players, including wizzes, but may be viewed by the site administrators.
Please select a username and password for yourself. These details will be needed to log onto the web site to manage your account(s). The username won't be used in MUD in any way, but may be used in the future for forums, etc. so you should pick one which represents you.
You must enter a valid e-mail address below so that the site administrators can contact you regarding the game. It won't be passed onto any third party or used for advertising. You will also need to respond to an e-mail sent to this address as part of the registration process.
Lastly, it would help us greatly if you would let us know how you heard about us.
By registering for an account, you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of the site.
You may be required to complete further details at a later date.